Guess what we unboxed today? Sony RX1 hits the IR lab, first shots ready for pixel peeping!



Today was a big day in the IR Lab: Our Sony RX1 review sample arrived!

We managed to keep it from the clutches of the bevy of begging editors, and hustled it into the lab for a quick set of First Shots. 

You can see the first RX1 sample images from our lab here, and can compare the RX1's performance side by side against other cameras via our Comparometer(tm) .

If you still can't get enough of the Sony RX1, you can see the gallery images Dave shot in San Francisco, read his initial thoughts on the camera's handling and…

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via Imaging Resource News Page

About paulomealha

IT professional, father, husband, Apple evangelist, motorbike fanatic, traveller and adventurer.
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